Sentence building so far: The sneaky cat climbs.
Noun marker/Article: The
Noun: The Cat
Adjective: The sneaky cat
Verb: The sneaky cat climbs.

With our fourth installment in the Order of Parts of Speech series, we are adding verbs–and ready to start creating sentences!

“Phonics is for reading and spelling. Grammar is for writing and speaking” (Donna Reish).
The goal of grammar is to use it to write well!
First three verbs I start with:
1) Action
2) Being, helping, and linking (check out my beginning Think Fast Grammar Quiz for the Be, a Helper, Link verb song!)
3) Infinitives (a “special verb” that starts with TO and has a verb following it: to run, to jump, to be, to appear)
Get your free single Order of Parts of Speech Poster at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.