(1.) Within a few months of homeschooling Lisa, we went to a character training seminar held at a local church/Christian school
- This was taught by Ron and Rebekah Coriele almost forty years ago.
- Mrs. Coriel told a story about the oldest daughter who told her friend she couldn’t be dishonest because…”my mom won’t see, but God will”
- We knew that his character-filled lifestyle was what we wanted for our family.
(2) We began immediately.
- Nursing home ministry
- Explaining everything
- Character teaching
- Scheduling
- Deference
- Diligence
- Following instructions
(3) Our approach did have some downfalls that would later take us years to figure out and fix.
- Everything was black and white (which is good in parenting but not a great worldview when trying to teach empathy etc ). We were choosy in who we should serve—and gave a negative impression to our kids about people who didn’t agree with us.