10 Minute Grammar Episode #12: Preschool Writing Tips (Writing Tips for Every Grade Series)
Welcome to a new series on the 10 Minute Grammar podcast/videocast: Writing Tips for Every Grade! I start out with the littles—oh how I love the littles! Yep, Writing Tips for Preschool! Here are some of the topics I cover: Writing vs. penning--Penning is art. Writing...
How to Edit Student Papers (With Video Training)
Red pen. Marks everywhere. Notes about what is wrong---weak here; needs more description; not real sentences in this paragraph; watch your subject-verb disagreement; could be stronger; re-write this paragraph. OR A note at the bottom of the paper: Fine work. Aghh........
There, Their, They’re for Teachers and Parents
Do you ever just wish someone would take you by the hand and show you exactly how to end the there/their/they’re problems for your students in one quick video? Well, I am your genie, and your wish is being granted! Through my twenty years of curriculum writing and...
Teach Your Kids There/Their/They’re Easily!
If you are on social media much at all and you care about grammar and usage, you have probably seen the frequent their/there/they’re errors. I have come to the conclusion that oftentimes it isn’t the poster’s fault---homophones (homo—same; phone—sound) need a lot more...
A Simple Their, They’re, There Quiz for You!
Have you been studying your Wacky Words “there, their, and they’re”? Are you ready for a pop quiz? Fill in each blank provided with the correct Wacky Word—there, their, or they’re. Cami was thrilled with _____________ involvement.We will take you _______________ to...