“The days are long, but the years are short.” No place is this quote truer than with littles!

Filling an entire day with activities and fun and learning and peace and rest and nutrition and, and, and for toddlers and preschoolers can be a bit overwhelming.

Regardless of whether you choose to have a Room Time for your littles each day (or a story time or a Bible Time or an Activity Time or a Preschool Time or any other time!), I recommend that you have an arsenal of activities and fun that you pull out for them—toys and activities that are not available all the time but that you get out for them to do as a “special.”

And I have just the list for this!

(Note: Garage sale season is the perfect time to start gathering things off the list!)

My Toddler and Preschool Activities list. It is a freebie to friends of Character Ink (that’s you!), and it goes a long way in providing educational, focusing, fun, and boredom busting times for these sweet littles.

I recommend that you pin this list and use it for Christmas and birthday lists for grandparents, garage sale and thrift store shopping trips, and more.

Put these activities and toys in tubs, bins, or baskets up on high shelves and make a big deal out of them when you use them.

Play with your kids! They will learn so much from the interaction that you have with them as you use these toys and activities.

Have fun! 

P.S. Don’t forget to watch my 90 minute free teaching webinar for help teaching kindergarten through grade twelve! https://helpyourkidswithschool.com