This week’s episode of “Our Homeschool History” is more about those “Dailies”—specifically what Dailies looked like for us over the past forty years!
(1) My history of discovering Dailies.
(2) If I can’t keep up with the dailies, how will I do harder and harder things with homeschooling and home management as our family grows?
(3) Early on with Joshua as a toddler—Dishes, Laundry, and Trash every day before anything else.
(4) Dailies grew as our family grew.
- Morning routines for kids for personal dailies
- House Dailies—everybody’s daily chores
- My personal Dailies
- Evening Dailies
(5) Peak of our homeschooling with several students
- Dailies—dishes, laundry, trash woven into daily chore sessions
- Youngest child who could do the job did it!
(6) Today—two empty nesters with 100+ students coming in and out every day and 24 family members (10 little ones!) in and out
- We both have our Dailies for the house
- I have my personal Dailies in the morning and evening
- Still living the “Dailies” life!
I want so many great things for you and your students!
P.S. Check out my downloadable, undated “Prioritizing Planner”—where you’ll learn how to prioritize each day—after your dailies, of course!
P.S.S. Grab my freebie for the first two weeks of February—Keep Close Coupons. Perfect for ❤️ Day!