Welcome to Episode #3 of Our Homeschool History.

This episode delves more deeply into our first year of homeschooling—when I was twenty years old; was married for a year and a half; had a one-year-old toddler; had just graduated from Ball State University with an elementary education degree; and more:

  • My young age of beginning homeschooling as a twenty-year-old teaching my eighth grade sister
  • How I was thrusted into homeschool leadership as a twenty-year-old—teacher/covering for Ohio homeschoolers; vendor at the first Indiana homeschool convention; taught others about homeschooling
  • The summer I read ten homeschool books, and we began going to homeschool conventions and seminars
  • Meeting Dr. Raymond Moore, the founder of Christian homeschooling
  • Using one of the first curricula available early on—Home Grown Kids by Dr. Raymond Moore
  • A tailored curriculum to Lisa’s level in each subject
  • Back to the basics
  • Reading a few times a day: silent reading at her silent reading level; oral reading at her learning level; read aloud by me at her listening level
  • Focusing on taking her out of her comfort zone to help her become more social, self-
    assured, etc.
  • Super successful year in which she went from second grade reading level to sixth grade reading level

I have so much to share with you about our thirty-two years of homeschooling!

I want so many great things for you and your students!