by Language Arts Lady | Aug 30, 2021 | How I Teach
Welcome to HIT—How I Teach….in this episode, I am ready to teach you with quotation examples for dialogue! Dialogue writing is tough for students, so the more quotation examples we can give them, the better! And that is why I go to great (and expensive due...
by Language Arts Lady | Aug 24, 2021 | How I Teach, Uncategorized
Welcome to HIT—How I Teach….In this eisode, we are going to dig into all things dialogue for students. Story writing in high school usually requires a certain savviness of dialogue for students. But how do we get our students to the level where they can...
by Language Arts Lady | Aug 15, 2021 | How I Teach
Welcome to HIT—How I Teach….In this episode, I teach a skill that many writing teachers shy away from: quotation marks. If we want students to write well, they need to learn how to put quotes in their papers—and how to properly punctuate with...
by Language Arts Lady | Aug 9, 2021 | How I Teach
Welcome to HIT—How I Teach….In this episdoe (second part of Twice-Told Tale!) It’s time to look at the second part of this Twice Told Tale lesson—The Emperor’s New Clothes. This fool-proof story writing technique takes even non-story writers by the...
by Language Arts Lady | Aug 1, 2021 | How I Teach
Welcome to HIT—How I Teach….In this episode (and the next—two parter!), I have a blast teaching about a story writing technique that I came up with years ago (I’m sure others thought of it too!) called the Twice-Told Tale. (Some of my early books...