by Language Arts Lady | Mar 28, 2023 | 10 Minute Grammar
Welcome back to 10 Minute Grammar! I am starting a new twelve-part series on the parts od speech (each part one episode)—-but NEXT LEVEL! If you have followed 10 Minute Grammar from the beginning, you might remember that I started the podcast out with the 10 Parts of...
by Language Arts Lady | Mar 23, 2023 | Our Homeschool HIstory
We used to get asked a lot WHY we homeschooled…like all the time….twenty years ago or more. Nowadays, reasons for homeschooling are as diverse as the number of people homeschooling. There are not just a handful of reasons any more—and many of the reasons (especially...
by Language Arts Lady | Mar 16, 2023 | Our Homeschool HIstory
Done Homeschooling Younger Sister Lisa went to and thrived in 9th grade—our year had been a success Joshua (2nd bday) and I spent our days learning, helping others, and learning how to manage a busy home (lots of people in and out!) Wrote preschool curriculum for...
by Language Arts Lady | Mar 12, 2023 | 10 Minute Grammar
Welcome to another three-part series on “10 Minute Grammar”! This series is called “My 3 Big Writing Tools and Tricks,” and it will cover my three foundational writing techniques—how they are laid out, how to get a freebie of each type, and how to create them...
by Language Arts Lady | Mar 9, 2023 | Our Homeschool HIstory
Episode 10! Ready to wrap up our first year of homeschooling with the good and the bad! Good Learned to systematize Implemented dailies Learned so much about teaching and homeschooling Lisa was ready to go back to school in the fall—especially socially Glimmer of hope...